About Us

Your Sunshine Radio Station

We are Palm Tree Radio, your radio station playing the best Sunkissed Beach Music.

Think of us as your soundtrack to Paradise! Our blend of Feelgood Sunshine Tropical Rock with some cool Beach Country and Sunshine Reggae will have you bathing in the warm waters and soaking up the sun.

Alternatively, stick your arm out the window and cruise on down the coast road with these fabulous tunes as the soundtrack to your day.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are a fully licenced internet based Radio Station playing new and classic Beach Vibes mixed in with some fabulous Tropical Rock, Feel Good Beach Country and cool Sunshine Reggae.

  • Haha! Well, we don’t think we do! Our playlist is hand crafted by our Music Director and features some classic tunes alongside some tracks you might not have heard for a long time.

  • Yep! We certainly do! The music we play is definitely happy and upbeat and our playlist certainly reflects that. We think of it as the tunes we’d be playing in our open top convertible as we cruise down the road to Paradise! Or the tunes we’ll play when we’re lying on the beach when we get to Paradise!

    We like to keep the vibe upbeat and happy unless of course when we’re chilling in our hammock when we just vibe to some class chill out.

  • Independent artists are a massive part of what we do. Of course we play big artists, why would we not want to play the great songs just because someone is a “big” artist? However, we have a ton of artists who you may not have heard for a long time, maybe they only released one or two albums and have been forgotten.

    To us it’s about the song and the vibe it creates rather than the artist.

    If the song doesn’t fit in with our summer sunshine tropical feel then we won’t play it.

  • If you’ve got this far you probably realise we play Feelgood Beach Vibes and that includes Sunshine Tropical House, Beach House and cool Balearic tunes. It’s all about the sunshine vibes for us. New tunes play alongside the classics.

    And no, we can’t play your mate’s Metal band!

  • Well as a listener we would encourage you to download a radio app for your phone or tablet so you can take us anywhere. We’re on Online Radio Box, TuneIn, VRadio, MyTuner, Streema and GotRadio and many more. Don’t forget to favourite us so you can find us really quickly again. These apps also work on Android Auto and Apple Car Play so it’s really easy to listen to us in the car.

    We’d also love you to give us a quick like or follow on social media. We are on Instagram and Facebook and it would be great to hook up with you on either of those platforms.

    If you like a song you hear we would love you to add it to your collection by clicking the ‘buy’ link. We don’t get any commission for this incidentally we just love the music and encourage everyone to support the artists making it. But please do tell the artist where you heard their music. Thank you!